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Industrial Automation Projects

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Here are some of of our popular Automation Based projects List
1. SMS based automatic vehicle accident information system
2. Automatic Differential unit Locking System for four wheeler
3. Automatic Distance Measurement and Braking System By using Ultrasonic Waves
4. SMS based Bomb detecting robot
5. Automatic Shot blasting machine
6. Automatic wind mill blade pitch controlling system
7. Automatic Vegetable (or) Lemon Cutting machine
8. Automatic Vehicle Over speed controlling system for School Zone
9. Remote controlled air craft (Flying Model)
10. GPS based vehicle root tracking system
11. Microcontroller Based Self centering Four-jaw Chuck
12. Automatic temperature controller with cooling system
13. Remote controlled material handling motorized crane
14. GPS based blind people path announcement system
15. Button operated electro-magnetic gear shifting system for two wheeler
16. Automatic sensor based wall painting robot
17. Auto Indexing gear cutting attachment for pneumatic shaping Machine
18. Automatic accident avoiding system for machines
19. GSM Based two wheeler security system
20. Electronic assisted hydraulic braking system
21. Remote operated weapon System
22. Automatic double axis Pneumatic JCB
23. Automatic Car Parking System for apartment Building
24. PLC based automatic Multi-machine Lubrication System
25. Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) system for Two wheeler
26. Cell phone controlled pick and place robot
27. Automatic boring mechanism using foundries
28. SMS based automatic pneumatic Punching and riveting machine
29. Video Analyzing remote controlled vacuum Cleaner
30. Two Wheeler Automation with security System
31. SMS based automatic pneumatic punching machine
32. Automatic hand break release
33. Queries controlling system for two wheeler
34. Automatic Pneumatic Grinding Machine
35. Unaided Guided Vehicle (UGV) for blind people
36. Automatic Power Saving Conveyor for Industrial Application
37. Automatic Visitor Guided with Material Handling Vehicle
38. Automatic Break Failure and Engine Over Heating Indication
39. Sensor Based Material loading/unloading system for different section
40. Automatic rotating table with sequence operating machine
41. SMS based Automatic two wheeler locking system
42. Digital locking (Fuel, ignition, side lock) system (Password) for Two wheeler
43. Over speed indication and Automatic accident Avoiding System for four wheeler
44. Sub marine (Model)
45. Automatic grease Gun
46. Auto head-lamp Alignment system for automobile
47. Railways accident Avoiding System – (Level crossing and Fire Alarm)
48. Automatic Magnetic Accident preventer for Train
49. SMS based automatic drilling machine
50. Car or Bus reverse Operation Navigation System by using IR Rays
51. Solar automatic cell phone charger with pay system
52. Automatic car overtaking system
53. CNC Pick and place sequence operated Robot
54. Remote controlled boiler flame on/off with flame adjustment system
55. Material Dimensions Analyzing Robot
56. CNC pneumatic Auto feed punching Machine
57. PC based Automatic sheet cutting Machine
58. Sensor Based Inspection Conveyor
59. Remote controlled Video Analyzing pick and place Robot
60. Cell Phone Controlled Video Analyzing Robot
61. Automatic Vehicle Accident Information System
62. Automatic Dam shutter controlling system
63. Automatic Paint Spaying Equipment
64. Remote controlled Bomb detecting robot
65. Intelligent Braking System (IBS)
66. Emergency Braking System (EBS)
67. Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)
68. Automatic Electro hydraulic Jack
69. Automatic Pneumatic stand for two wheeler
70. Automatic Bottle Washing Machine
71. SMS controlled pick and place robot
72. Aero plane Controlling System (Flying Model)
73. PC based pneumatic bottle washing machine
74. Accident Preventer for Cutting Machine
75. Automatic Wheel Chair for physically disabled person
76. Fully Automated Intelligent Vehicle (Car Model)
77. D & F of Automatic Pneumatic Riveting Machine
78. Electro Hydraulic System for Automation in Vehicle
79. D & F of Pneumatic Auto feed Drilling Machine
80. Automatic drunken drive avoiding system for automobile
81. Intelligent active Suspension system for two wheeler
82. Automatic Packing control Machine for Industrial Application
83. Automatic Double Axis Welding Machine
84. Automatic Pneumatic Paper cup folding Machine
85. Automatic Wheel chair cum bed
86. Automatic Sky Car parking System
87. Automatic Pneumatic Reciprocating Water Pumping System
88. Sensor Based Automatic paint marking machine for sprocket Industries
89. Automatic railway track crack detecting Vehicle
90. Remote controlled tilting Wheel chair
91. Automatic Three axis hydraulic modern Trailer
92. SMS based Pick and place Robot
93. Automatic Spring End Grinding Machine
94. Automatic Pneumatic vice and jack
95. Fabrication of Automatic typical Pipe Cutting Machine
96. SMS controlled automatic pneumatic ramming machine
97. Automatic cold chamber Die Casting Machine
98. Conveyor Automation
99. Automatic Car Parking System for apartment Building
100. Intelligent active Suspension system for two wheeler
101. Automatic Packing control Machine for Industrial Application
102. Automatic Double Axis Welding Machine
103. Automatic Pneumatic Paper cup folding Machine
104. Automatic Pneumatic Reciprocating Water Pumping System
105. Automatic Visitor Guided with Material Handling Vehicle
106. Automatic Vegetable (or) Lemon Cutting machine
107. Automatic accident avoiding system for machines
108. Two Wheeler Automation with security System
109. Sensor Operated Paper Counting Machine
110. Vacuum conveyor for Industrial Application
111. Sensor Based Automatic steering control system for Automobile
112. Automatic Pneumatic Jack for four wheeler
113. Digital locking system for material handling vehicle for industrial application
114. Automatic shock absorption system for automobile
115. Automatic Spray Painting System for Industrial Application
116. Electronic Hack Saw Machine
117. Automatic electro-magnetic Clutch
118. SMS controlled Material handling robot
119. Remote controlled Vacuum Cleaning Robot
120. Automatic Scrap Collecting Vehicle
121. Automatic Fire fighting cum material handling vehicle
122. Sensor Operated Automatic vehicle accident prevention system
123. Automatic Electro-Plating Coating System
124. Sensor Based Automatic Water level Sensing Crane
125. Automatic Solar Traffic and Street Light Controller
126. Automatic Pneumatic Hammer
127. CNC pick and place crane
128. CNC Drilling Machine
129. Automatic Dish Washing Machine
130. Automatic Railways Signaling System
131. Automatic potato chips making Machine
132. Sensor Operated Power saving Foot dust cleaner
133. Automatic Steering alignment system
134. Automatic Multi-Machine Lubrication System
135. Car Automation
136. Auto Feed Multi-purpose press
137. Automatic Sensor Based Reverse Braking System
138. Automatic Pneumatic Shaping Machine
139. Fully Automated Drilling Machine
140. Intelligent Wall painting Crane
141. Sensor based auto punching conveyor Machine
142. Pneumatic high speed Hack saw Machine
143. Automatic pneumatic vulcanizing Machine
144. Pneumatic Auto feed metal Forming Machine
145. Sensor Based Automatic Track Guided Vehicle (ATGV)
146. Automatic jack
147. Sensor Operated Automatic Ramming Machine
148. Automatic Fire Fighting Robot
149. Automatic Pneumatic Bottle Washing Machine
150. Pneumatic Sticker/Label Making Machine
151. Pneumatic Slotting Machine
152. Pneumatic Machining Time Reduction in Shaper
153. Automatic Scrap collecting Vehicle
154. Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV)
155. Pneumatic reciprocating saw machine
156. Automatic Pneumatic Punching and Riveting Machine
157. Sensor Operated Track Guided Vehicle
158. Automatic Pneumatic High speed Sheet Cutting Machine
159. PC based auto feed pneumatic vice
160. Remote controlled gas stove On/Off with flame adjustment System
161. Automatic pressure controller cum valve open/Close Arrangement
162. Automatic rain operated wiper
163. Automatic Humidification system
164. Simple indexing by stepper motor in Shaping Machine
165. CNC pneumatic auto feed punching and riveting Machine
166. Pneumatic Auto gear changer
167. Automatic Hydro-pneumatic Lubrication system
168. Automatic Pneumatic Ramming Machine
169. Pneumatic Auto feed Punching Machine
170. Automatic Railway Gate Controller
171. Automatic Rain operated wiper and Head light Dim / Bright Controller
172. Automatic Electro Hydraulic Braking System
173. Highways high Speed sensing and Automatic Pneumatic braking System
174. Automatic Motorized door Open/Close Mechanism
175. Automatic Moisture and Light Controlling System for Garden
176. Automatic Water Tape Controlling System
177. Accident Avoiding System for Punching Machine
178. Automatic Steering Mechanism
179. Automatic Embossing (Die Making) Drilling Machine
180. Automatic Sensor Operated Pneumatic Braking System
181. Automatic Plate Washing Machine
182. Automatic Pneumatic Printing Press
183. Automatic Water level controller for Over head tank
184. Automatic Typical pipe Cutting Machine
185. Sensor Operated Automated Guided Vehicle
186. Automatic acrylic sheet bending machine (Heater Control)
187. Sensor Operated Fire Fighting AGV
188. Automatic Gate Open / Close System
189. Car or Bus reverse Operation Navigation System by using IR Rays
190. Automatic Water level controller for Over head tank
191. Pneumatic Auto Feed Riveting Machine
192. CNC Automatic Ramming Machine
193. Automatic Typical pipe Cutting Machine
194. Aero plane Controlling System (Glider model)
195. Automatic temperature controller with Cooling System
196. Automatic Lubrication System
197. Automatic Foot Dust vacuum Cleaning Machine
198. Automatic Packing Conveyor by using sensors

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